And I swear to the Gods, it's leaving my brain freaking addled. I can't tell you guys how often I've sat before my next post and just...stared...kinda drooling even. Granted, there's some cute pics but Jesus snogging Saint Bart, I can't type for shit!
As I sit here typing this, we've got Germany vs. Turkey for EuroCup 2008 or some shit like that. Down here in the living room, I've luckily got a fan and tv drowning out the noise but omg, I went and put the girls to bed and nearly jumped out of my skin. I could hear this roar....and realized it was people - making some sort of be honest, it didn't sound like cheering but it also didn't sound like I'd be defending the homestead against a bunch of pissed off Germans wielding pitchforks either. Judging from what I've read on a website posting major happenings in the game, both sides scored one after the who knows what all that singing was about but I'll leave you guys with this...
Go Turkey!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Ninety Minutes?!?
So I was awfully quiet about Father’s Day, which was yesterday. I think a lot of people discount it as a holiday made up to counteract the glory of Mother’s Day by making sure all fathers regardless of race, creed, religion and miscellaneous ambiguity receive enough ties to choke Jabba the Hut…if we try really hard. With E working, we mostly celebrated on Friday, though I made a bangin’ brunch yesterday.
Truth be told, I didn’t blog about yesterday about Father Day cause I was busy actually talking to my own Daddy dearest. Just a note to everyone out there, I would NEVER actually refer to him as that cause now that I’ve gone off and typed that…it looks creepy as fuck. Calling home is something that does come very often from me, not so much because of the expense but because it’s so bloody hard to get a hold of someone. The production goes something like this: Call home….answering machine. Call mom mobile…voice mail. Call shop…ring-a-ling-a-ling. Call Laundry…well…you get the picture. There’s prolly a couple other numbers I could try – especially if could remember them but dear gods, I’d have better luck sacrificing a small animal in the name of my parents in hopes it summons their images into the ensuing pool of blood than I do calling them.
Surprisingly, my mom answered the phone when I called and for a good while I didn’t even realize my dad was home too. And then more than an hour into it, I discovered both my brother and sister were ALSO home…holy shit – it’s a clan meet going on and I’m not even there to join in! Talking to him – hell, talking to all of them just really reminds me how much I miss them all.
I hope all you dad’s out there had a great Father’s Day. Gotta get to my raid so I’m out of here!
Truth be told, I didn’t blog about yesterday about Father Day cause I was busy actually talking to my own Daddy dearest. Just a note to everyone out there, I would NEVER actually refer to him as that cause now that I’ve gone off and typed that…it looks creepy as fuck. Calling home is something that does come very often from me, not so much because of the expense but because it’s so bloody hard to get a hold of someone. The production goes something like this: Call home….answering machine. Call mom mobile…voice mail. Call shop…ring-a-ling-a-ling. Call Laundry…well…you get the picture. There’s prolly a couple other numbers I could try – especially if could remember them but dear gods, I’d have better luck sacrificing a small animal in the name of my parents in hopes it summons their images into the ensuing pool of blood than I do calling them.
Surprisingly, my mom answered the phone when I called and for a good while I didn’t even realize my dad was home too. And then more than an hour into it, I discovered both my brother and sister were ALSO home…holy shit – it’s a clan meet going on and I’m not even there to join in! Talking to him – hell, talking to all of them just really reminds me how much I miss them all.
I hope all you dad’s out there had a great Father’s Day. Gotta get to my raid so I’m out of here!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A New Addition!
It's been a quiet few days here around Casa de la Fae but not to worry luvs, I've got my grubby lil mitts on a few things I'd like to share with youse alls as soon as I get my head out of my arse. In hopes of quelling the masses, I do introduce to you a NEW...NEW...NEW...feature here at Wo'D(S) <--Ha! I just came up with that on the fly! I present to you - a list of blogs to check out! I know, I know, it's titled people you should know and thus far, I only actually know two of the three people I've listed. This unknown third blogger? I seriously admire her food porn - check her out and be envious of her adventures - I dare you!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Won't You Take Me To....Funky Town?
And I ain't talkin' about a good sort of funky, either. It was rather bright and early Friday morning when the Diva and I took off to run some errands in town. Around these parts Friday means trash day and we have alternating green and black trash weeks. Unfortunately it was green trash day meaning the streets were lined with cans holding two weeks worth of...shall we say...composting stuff. Now while this lil fae's all about the composting happiness (if you're into it), she does NOT like to smell it downwind....especially if it smells like horse too.
First place we hit was the bank! Now, I'll have to admit, I prolly have more quirks than socially acceptable and one of them is that when nervous, I try to stick with the known which is why I went straight for the cashier I knew. Her look of surprise was most satisfying when I whipped out my (Well, E's) account card thing, saving time and thus getting me back out on the street!
I've been blessed with a child who has these moments where she'll want to try different fruits and veg and this week she selected an avocado to try. I don't know about you, but I can't do avocado straight up so our next venture in town was the local fruit and veg market. I've walked by this place a billion times but up until now, I've never actually gone in. It seems to be run by some lovely people, one who actually spoke English - which wound up confusing me as I went between bad French and even worse German before finding my tounge. Despite my own gooberishness, I walked away a happy woman and the Diva came home one apple richer.
First place we hit was the bank! Now, I'll have to admit, I prolly have more quirks than socially acceptable and one of them is that when nervous, I try to stick with the known which is why I went straight for the cashier I knew. Her look of surprise was most satisfying when I whipped out my (Well, E's) account card thing, saving time and thus getting me back out on the street!
I've been blessed with a child who has these moments where she'll want to try different fruits and veg and this week she selected an avocado to try. I don't know about you, but I can't do avocado straight up so our next venture in town was the local fruit and veg market. I've walked by this place a billion times but up until now, I've never actually gone in. It seems to be run by some lovely people, one who actually spoke English - which wound up confusing me as I went between bad French and even worse German before finding my tounge. Despite my own gooberishness, I walked away a happy woman and the Diva came home one apple richer.
So look - I included a picture! I went in look for lime for my avocado salad but just had to pick up some garlic too. It's sad when you can say getting a decent head of garlic is a treat - I usually have the worst luck at the commissary so this one was a real treat! The raspberries were just calling out to...well...both of us. Alas, in the end, I think I got two berries and a half eaten one from the bunch. *le sigh* As you can tell from above, this trip also included a stop at the bäckerei. I have absolutely no idea what the pastry or bread is called. I'd assume the pastry is a chocolate tipped almond horseshoe thingie - the teensy bite I had found it to be flaky with an übersweet inside. The bread might be something rye...or wheat....who knows? (:
Moving on to salad prep, I'll have to admit - I don't know what the hell actually goes into an avocado salad. Knowing my luck it involves pureeing the poor thing to death before adding it to jello, thus making it some sort of abomination that, when cut, slithers off the plate to devour the unsuspecting family. But as for me, after a brief game of "toss the avocado pit till it hits the kitchen window and freaks us all out" with the Diva, I hacked up the actual flesh before gleefully drowning it in the blood of one lime.
The Diva gave it a noble try - I think she managed about 3 tiny bites before abandoning it to the corner of her plate. As for the lil piggy I can be, I gobbled mine down for like the next five meals.
So that was last Friday, I hate to admit. I took my stupid lil pics and just couldn't bear to post without them. What does this Friday bring us? Black trashcan day and a less smelly neighbourhood. (:
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