Monday, August 31, 2009

Observations of a Gamer Mom (Part One)

Pre-Morning Chaos

I went to bed just a touch too late last night so when my alarm went off at 5am, was I ready to get up? Hell no! Luckily, I only slept in an extra 12 minutes. Why so precise? Ok…hold up a sec…why does the rule go “I before E except after C” and that not apply to the word “precise”? That does NOT make any sense. Anyhow…I figure it’s the insanity that gets me up so early. I got into this weird habit of farming at 5am – it’s quiet around the house, fairly quiet in game so why not mine my happy lil ass off? Lately I’ve taken to doing Argent Tourney stuff with Cait or Ana. Much to my surprise, Cait’s progressed to a point where it’s taking almost all my free early morning time to take care of it. *le sigh*


I’ve been blessed with a child who’s easy to wake up most mornings and I don’t mean that I have to sic the dog on her. She’s relatively cheerful and very anal about NOT having her light turned on until the moment she steps through the threshold of her door to the hallway. Freya does her morning “let’s try to break mommy’s neck going down the stairs” routine and we’re off to brekkie. For the girls at least. I know just about every organizational home book or website will tell you do make lunches in night before to save on stress of doing it in the morning but to be honest, making lunches in the morning is one of those bonding times with the girls where we get to discuss the finer points of peanut butter vs. tuna and carrot rounds vs. carrot sticks. Oh who am I kidding? It’s a jumble of arguing over who has to feed the dog, sit closest to the far edge of the counter while I get jelly all over my fingers. Blech! I freaking hate grape jelly which just happens to be the Elfling’s favourite.

Speaking of her , she’s at the intermediate school this year so she not only gets to walk all by herself but she gets to leave earlier. She flounces off with just enough time for me to realize I have no idea where she put the hairbrush before realizing the Diva’s on top of it. She’s actually quite good about taking care of her own hair – save for doing it. Why she comes to me for lopsided braids and ponytails, I don’t know. It must be her way of saying she loves me. Awwwwwww!

The irony of this all, right now, was that I was typing about lunch prep, I got an email about healthy lunches.

Come on let’s sweat…Baby!

Ha! I wish it were for a good read, pervie reason. After the early morning molten temperatures of last week, it was surprisingly cool this morning which would make a much better sight after being found collapsed on the ground when Freya either wrapped her leash around me or in agony after she disjointed my limbs. Bad enough that should happen but it would be even worse to be a sweaty mess.

Walking Freya sometimes truly makes me fathom that I not only let a dog into my life but I actually like her. A lot. Most of the time at least. I think dogs are seriously far more gross than cats. A simple stroll towards school not only is a lesson on staying upright with all limbs intact, it’s maze though a mine field of things dogs want to get into and humans want to avoid. The poo of other dogs – snack! Weird clump of dried, mowed up grass – something to attack! Mostly decomposed carcass – a to..omg, get the FUCK away from that!

Interestingly enough, there was a guy wrapped in a towel walking part of the neighbourhood…should have gotten his story.

Tackling Housework 15 min. a Time

And we come to now. Well, not exactly. After a perilous journey to school…or the vicinity of it and walk back, we come to a point where I think I once promised a sort of dissertation on my likely dull (to youse guys) and game addicted day. The way this is looking, I’m thinking I might break this down – consider this part one. And perhaps as the day goes on, I’ll head into other segments that give insight into my lameness.

Oh, and those 15 minutes? Load the dishwasher, reset laundry, lament the folding, scream in the bathroom and, of course, start this post. I’m going to have some brekkie now – see ya.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Operation Pancake: Failure!

Ok, so it wasn’t a TOTAL failure but these were not your mama’s pancakes we wound up having at brekkie this morning. It started off last night with the Elfling asking if we could have said flapjacks in the morning and since we didn’t have any pancake mix, I said I’d give consideration to the idea of doing them from scratch. Now I know I might catch some flack for going with a mix but omg…it’s all premixed…stuff…and I get to toss in an unneeded egg and vanilla – viola! Pancakes! This wasn’t my first time making them from scratch – I’ve actually made some ass kickingly good blueberry pancakes from scratch so I still don’t know where I went wrong.
The recipe was from a favourite book of mine Emeril’s There’s Chef in My Soup…hmm...there might be a “Waiter,” in there somewhere…I don’t know and am waaaaaaay too bloody lazy to get up off my arse and look. I followed it to a T excepting that I used brown sugar instead of plain old white sugar. After letting it sit for 15 min (and what we accomplished in 15 min is a different story) we heated up our pan and were ready to make…
Crepes?? Like, omg – wtf???? Seriously guys, these things didn’t rise, they were luquidy and they tasted of funked up disaster. Till the Elfling said it wasn’t very sweet…or tasting. It was like…eating eggy goodness without any flavour. A lil more (pure, pristine – WHITE) sugar later and we had…more CREPES…only they were flavourful now. *shrugs* Who knows, go figure.
Anyhow, they didn’t turn out to be too bad. If I’d known I was making crepes instead of pancakes, I would have thawed some strawberries for them. Instead we schmeared on coconut syrup and rolled them up.
So in conclusion Emeril Pancake Recipe:
Awful for pancakes
Great for Crepes

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Insomniac Bloggery Anyone?

So it's 240am and here I am.  Sitting the dark.  Sweating my arse off.  Blogging.

Well...kinda, at least.  I took a moment to check the temp. on my way here and found that it's still about 80 degrees in here.  Goddamn that's hot!  It was actually that hot at 5am yesterday when I came stumbling down.  So you can probably guess what kind of day I had.  

It's actually been a kinda wierd last couple weeks.  For those of you who don't keep up with the world around you there's been a bit of a hysteria over the swine flu.  I'll admit, it was a blip on my personal radar till 2 kids at the local high school caught it.  After the 3rd student, they actually shut down that high school and soon the entire district was down.  Yadda-yadda-yadda - we come tonight, I'm sleepless in San Antonio and my kids (thank the gods!) have school in the morning.

Speaking of which, i should make brownies.  You know since it's only 80 degrees in here.  (:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Work in Progress

I don't generally go for writing what looks like a poem but inspiration hit and the story in my head didn't have time to be written.  Feel free to comment and I said, it's a work in progress.

Ice queen rose from her throne to see
The play of battle down below
Snow white world lay to ruin
By glinted steel marred and bloodied
Darker than the colour of her gown

She cast her glance to the king at her side
Resplendent in darkness as she in light
Of velvet and furs
To his cloak of dark
They watched together
Of opposing forces

To the kaleidoscope of banners
To the great Ebon Knight

Her saddened eyes cast
Silent farewells his leaving
No falling for the banner
Of burgundy and gold

Left it did once and for all
Betrayed her one last time
Turned to her king
The snow white queen
With marbled cheeks
Glistened with frozen tears

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Else Could I Write?

I don't have the right. Yes, yes, all applogies for my lack of contact these last few months. As those of you who follow my blog, hear me bitch in game or know by keeping up with me in sporadic phone calls and im's know - I moved! After a nearly week long stay in hell..i mean a hospital! To be honest, after the move I really was still pretty sick even up to moving into an actual house. Now I'm still in a mess of trying to sort THAT out and just plain lazy so I hope you guys will forgive me and take this as a promise that I'll be good and post with more alarming regularity. (:

Just think of things we have to discuss! Oh, and yes...that last book on my bookshelf (though I'm not sure we can let a website count either) is fake. Perhaps the book I was meant to write myself. I'll get right on top of know, when I've run out of laundry to do.

I just had to add a lil something to the end of this sad lil post...I put up a poll and see if you guys want to input what my next post will be about. I may or may not follow the calling of my people but don't let that discourage you. (;