Sunday, June 26, 2011

Outrage and Opportunity

A while ago E's neurosurgeon made an appointment for a CT scan with a contrast to better determine how they're going to fix the loose lead to his implant and of course time passed and then boom!  Green Lantern came out and we bought our tickets....for the same bloody day...yargh!  Fandango is great but you really need to keep an eye out because just when you think there's not going to be any offerings for a non 3D movie - they come out with the listing of them about five minutes after you've grudgingly purchased for a 3D showing.  Another issue is apparently when you make your own huge scheduling conflict and need to exchange the tickets (that you haven't picked up yet) for a different showing.  Now, I would be going on about how this process worked but alas, this is where we get to the opportunity part of my outrage.

The Fandango situation isn't actually the source of my outrage, though they really should be able to work something out when you order tickets and need to make changes before you even go to the theater. My source of ire comes most from the imaging clinic.

 Let's count the ways - two doctors who know E's current drug regimen missed this and I'm more willing to give them a pass because they might not be completely versed on the intricacies of the procedure.  The nurse who called to explain the procedure was told about medications and made to to tell E no less than five times that he could not have anything in his mouth so many hours before the procedure.  Arriving at the clinic, the nurse there, was told again what medications he's on and then while preparing for the scan, the attendant once again got a drug history.  It wasn't until the doctor came in to do the procedure that he looked over the E's history and found out that, yes, of course he's been taking his meds as directed by his physician.  Two of which have possible interactions with the dye that could cause severe seizures. 

You could insert screaming here...they had to cancel the appointment and we can't reschedule until his doctor figures out substitutions for something like three days prior and one day post procedure to keep him from scaring us to death.  Is it wrong of me to expect people to actually pay attention to the answers they get to the questions they ask?  I happen to think not cause this experience has really left a bad taste in my mouth.  My confidence in this group is a bit flagging now.

Despite the above, there was a bright side! The bright side being that because he didn't have the procedure, we got to go see Green Lantern!

Now the reviews I read were absolutely dreadful - this movie has been called something like the Battlefield Earth of 2011, that being said, I thought i was pretty good.  The story didn't drag as I expected it to, there were even some funny parts (though I did seem to laugh at inappropriate moments). I was amazed at how nice they made Blake Lively really didn't look like her at all to me.  Which, I suppose, could be a bad thing.  I don't know, don't really care.  I think if the reviews are stopping you from seeing the movie, maybe discount them some cause I found the ones I read, were very harsh.

My apologies if this posting is a bit disjointed....I'm here at work and mein's been a busy one.

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