Saturday, May 17, 2014

Omg, You Look Like a Corpse!

Is something I never thought I'd ever say at work, unfortunately, it was true. Not that I was being purposefully mean or hurtful, but The Boss put in new bulbs above and in front of the desk. I think he's going for a brighter light and contemporary look but quite frankly, these lights wash us out. They're also very clinical feeling - light wise.

Call me crazy, but I swear they're giving me a headache! My eyes HURT...and's very odd. The research I've done says this is normal for the cool white CFL I'm hoping with gentle persuasion and mass revolt, the lights will go back to the nice warm lights they were before. I didn't think it was too dim in here  - the softer light was much more welcoming.

Gods help me, I wish I could do this job with my eyes closed...

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