Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Just Freaking Snapped

I'm a bit of a mixed bag right now and hopefully the memory is a touch fuzzy now that I'm home and properly medicated with a cup of froyo.  Is there such a thing as medicinal froyo - raspberry tart on top of NY cheesecake with graham sprinkles, walnuts and coconut, I might add.

Before we got to that point, I really was having a good day - honest! But then I get this call for a guy who wants five rooms, preferring five queens, even though they were for only two people.  Not really odd - plenty of couples prefer two beds or a company has two people sharing rooms...that's nothing to raise eyebrows over. There was something about this guy though.... Anyhow - he didn't like my price quotes and said he was going to just go through that famous 3rd party that in the past has featured...a famous face. Ha! Did I give myself away?

Anyhow, that gut feeling went through the charts - he was going to say rooms for two people, get put in king rooms and then expect us to put him in queens. No biggie?  Well yes, there's a difference, even on a 3rd party site, you're paying more for a room with two queen beds than you are for a single king. Even 3rd party rooms show that a king room with a couch is going to be more than a standard king.

So of course, he makes the reservations that way - saying only two people per room and gets put into king rooms.  Shows up...not only with adults but a passel of kids.  Jerk didn't even count them.  Doing that would have put him in his precious two queen rooms...at the two queen room rate.

Ass...he thought he was going to get those room as a free upgrade.

I'm so glad he didn't.


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